Technically Speaking Ep3: (Alternate Reality) A Little Bit Grungy

Technically Speaking Ep3: (Alternate Reality) A Little Bit Grungy
PLSJ Podcast
Technically Speaking Ep3: (Alternate Reality) A Little Bit Grungy

May 12 2022 | 00:08:26

Episode 0 May 12, 2022 00:08:26

Show Notes

Journey outside of the box with a surreal tale of tech with PLSJ’s Technology Coordinator, O.J. Meeks.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:08 Welcome to PLS J's podcast, where the public library of Steubenville and Jefferson county shares with you. Our favorite quirky questions finds out with leaders in our community are reading interviews, local authors, and so much more. Speaker 2 00:00:28 Hello. Hi, my name is OJ Meeks. I am the tech coordinator for the public library of Steubenville and Jefferson county. Have you ever remembered something that happened, but thought maybe you just imagined it. There are things out there so outlandish that there is no way they could possibly be real, but sometimes they are real. They are not imagined. I am going to tell you a story of something that happened to me one night at the library. It doesn't seem possible that this could have happened at all, but if it did not occur, then why do I remember it so well, Speaker 2 00:01:14 It was a warm summer day. When I suddenly felt this chill at the library, it was the kind of unnerving chill that makes your hair stand on. End. The kind of chill that makes you think. Yep. Something's about to happen. I got this distinct feeling that someone was staring at me. I looked around and no one was there, but I still had the feeling. Someone was watching me. I looked out at the front doors and a man entered the library, but I swear I did not see or hear the automatic sliding doors open. He just kind of appeared. And he was staring at me with these unmistakable haunting, icy, beautiful blue eyes. He was handsome in his late twenties, about five feet, nine inches tall with shoulder length, blonde hair. He was dressed in to up jeans and a t-shirt. I said, hi there, OJ. What can I help you with the man replied? Hello? Hello? Hello, The name's Kurt paradise, but you can call me Kurt. So I called him Kurt paradise. Kurt paradise told me I need some help with my tunes. And someone told me, Speaker 3 00:02:31 Hi, the one, Speaker 2 00:02:35 I mean, you are the one that can help me. Kurt paradise reached into his pockets and pulled out not one but four different iPods of varying models. He laid them on the table in front of us. It was like looking at the history of the iPod laying in front of me. Kurt paradise explained, I picked these upper garage sales. Everything on them is deleted. The owners assured me they were factory reset. I'm just having a hard time getting any of these to hold my 10,000 tunes. I don't think they have enough. Speaker 4 00:03:11 Ma ma Speaker 2 00:03:19 I asked you mean memory like as in memory of someone Kurt paradise replied. Yes. Thanks. That's what I meant. I looked a little close with the iPods. Kurt paradise brought in, Hey, we're a little grungy and they were unusually cold. In fact, the longer I talked with Kurt paradise, the colder the room. Got I said, I apologize about the coolness in the room. I don't know what's going on with the air conditioning. Kurt paradise sang in the Speaker 4 00:03:54 Pines in the pine where the sun don't ever shine. I will shiver the whole night through. Speaker 2 00:04:05 I had no clue what that meant. After examining the iPods. I identified one iPod that had enough memory to hold his 10,000 songs. Kurt paradise told me that was the one I was having the most trouble with. The guy that sold me. This iPod helped me set it up. He helped me with the passcode and I just can't remember what it is. Figures. This would be the one that could hold my 10,000 songs. I said to Kurt paradise, these devices will lock you out after too many passcode attempts. Fortunately, it looks like we have a few more shots to crack this one. Are there any significant six digit numbers that you can remember? Kurt paradise stared at me with those haunting icy, beautiful blue eyes and pondered. What that code could be. I asked Kurt paradise. Could it be someone's birthday? Kurt paradise replied. Of course, that's it. Speaker 2 00:05:06 It's the most important birthday. Try 08/18/92. I know it unlocked the iPod. I carefully tapped the numbers. 0 8, 18 92. The iPod unlocked. I was so excited. We got in on the first try Kurt paradise. His iPod was completely empty. It had plenty of space for his 10,000 songs. Kurt paradise held out his hand. I reached out and returned his iPod to him. I just barely touched his icy fingers. They were way too icy, way too cold. I said to Kurt paradise, I can help you transfer those 10,000 songs. Do you have them on different devices or on a computer? Kurt paradise turned the iPod towards me and said, I just transferred them. Thanks for the offer though. I did not know what to say. This was not a typical tech help by any means. I don't know how he did it. Kurt paradise transferred 10,000 songs instantly to his iPod instantly. I asked Kurt paradise. Where did you get all of these songs? Kurt paradise stared at me intently with those haunting icy, beautiful blue eyes. It was as though he could see me for who I really am as if he could see into my soul. Kurt paradise told me they were right about you. I'm glad I came to see you. These are all songs I've written. I've been writing for a long time. The future could always be different than what you wanted to be. It might have been different for me. Thank you. Speaker 2 00:07:02 In awe. I barely replied. You're welcome. Her paradise smiled this brilliant full of life. Smile. The entire room was warm once again, then suddenly he was immersed in a golden glowing light. This soothing light framed his handsome face. I felt this energy of happiness surrounding him. He looked at me with those haunting, warm, beautiful blue eyes and Kirk paradise turned to leave. And I know for a fact I don't care who tries to convince me otherwise those automatic sliding doors did not open when he left. He just walked right through them and then he was gone. Thank you all for listening. See you next time. Speaker 1 00:07:58 Thanks for listening to PLS J's podcast. Visit us in person at your library, branch or [email protected].

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